What we do

BHRC, is the business and human rights arm of Global Rights Compliance an international human rights legal practice based in the UK and the Netherlands, specialising in international human rights, criminal, and humanitarian law.

Our approach is centred around actively assisting and supporting organisations in developing responsible business models that respect human rights, minimise legal liability and enhance sustainable practices.
We advise businesses, trade associations, and investors on both the legal and practical aspects of human rights due diligence. through our Three-A Approach: Assess, Advise, Act.

Assess. Comprehensive HRIAs.

Our assessments transcend tick-box exercises. We provide comprehensive human rights impact assessments (HRIAs) and due diligence programs, delving deep into your supply chain. This involves baseline assessments of business operations, precise supply chain mapping, and meaningful stakeholder engagement.

Advise. Expert legal consultation.

With a team of expert international human rights lawyers operating across several jurisdictions, we offer expert legal advice to companies on their legal and regulatory obligations and potential litigation risks. We then advise on a fit for purpose human rights respecting solution that goes beyond compliance.

Act. Mitigating impact.

Should adverse human rights impacts materialise, we can assist companies to mitigate their impact and provide appropriate remedies, including the setting up of effective grievance mechanisms.

Our expertise

Our team of seasoned legal advisors, armed with decades of experience in human rights compliance across the private and public sectors, specialises in designing and developing innovative projects for businesses. These initiatives harness creative and technological methods to ensure unwavering respect for human rights.
One of our key assets is our international legal team. Comprising highly skilled lawyers well-versed in diverse jurisdictions, we address the unique legal challenges that businesses encounter. Our solutions are meticulously tailored to safeguard your organisation's interests while upholding human rights and promoting community well-being.
Collaboration is vital for effective human rights initiatives. Our extensive connections with civil society in various sectors and regions prioritise impartiality and independence, offering insights and resources to align your business with global human rights standards. We foster interactions between companies and communities to promote responsible practices.

Latest News and Events

Due Diligence & Risk Mitigation in Smallholder Supply Chains

Due Diligence & Risk Mitigation in Smallholder Supply Chains

March 1, 2024

On March 13, our Agriculture sector lead Pallavi Sharma will be joining the team from Earthworm Foundation and IDH for a webinar, to deep dive into strategies for effectively operationalising this law without causing harm, especially to those most vulnerable at the bottom of the supply chains.

Our partners

We support UN Global Compact

GRC is a proud signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact) – a call for companies everywhere to align their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption and to take action in support of the UN goals and issues embodied in the Sustainable Development Goals.

The UN Global Compact is a leadership platform for the development, implementation and disclosure of responsible corporate practices. Launched in 2000, it is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world with more than 9,000 companies and 3,000 non-business signatories based in over 160 countries and more than 70 Local Networks.