Human rights due diligence assessment of gemstone supply chain

The ask

BHRC was requested by a Fortune 500 fashion company to conduct human rights due diligence on a supplier in their global gemstone supply chain in a conflict-affected and high-risk area in a East African country. The client wanted information concerning the salient human rights risks including recommendations regarding remediation.


BHRC furnished the client with a HRDD report, including recommendations regarding next steps with the supplier. The report was presented to key internal stakeholders.

How we tackled this

Tailored specifically to the business operations and needs of the client, BHRC’S human rights risk assessments consist of several steps to ensure a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the salient human rights risks flowing from each supplier’s operations.

These include, among others, research of open source materials on with regard to the sourcing areas concerned, interviews with relevant experts and local stakeholders, preliminary assessment reports identifying the most pressing human rights issues, the design of questionnaires and guidance tools for on-site audits, and comprehensive human rights risk assessment reports providing final evaluation of the salient human rights risks and recommendations on how to mitigate them.

At a glance

Client Confidential
Sector Mining
Region East Africa
Duration Ongoing
Years 2020