Factsheet on the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)

What is the law?

The EU ‘Regulation on deforestation-free products’ (‘EUDR’) is a pivotal legislation within the broader canvas of the EU Green Deal, building on the momentum of recently passed sustainability-focused legislations like the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and conflict mineral regulations. The regulation came into effect in June 2023 and aims at combating deforestation and forest degradation by reducing the EU contribution to consumption of palm oil, coffee, cocoa, soy, rubber, wood and cattle - commodities linked with high rates of global deforestation.

How can we help?

BHRC has prepared a factsheet to explain key information on the law and to provide some brief answers to the most common questions. If you have any further questions about the law, or it's implications for your business, contact us.

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